Jack Gao

Jack Gao is a Program Economist at the °ËØÔ±¬ÁÏ.

He is interested in international economics and finance, energy policy, economic development, and the Chinese economy.

He previously worked in financial product and data departments in Bloomberg Singapore, and reported on Asian financial markets in Bloomberg News from Shanghai.

Jack holds a MPA in International Development from Harvard Kennedy School, and a B.S. in Economics from Singapore Management University.

He has published articles on China Policy Review and Harvard Kennedy School Review.

By this expert

Why "Free Trade" Agreements Serve Corporations First

Article | Feb 22, 2018

Far from spreading benefits across the economy, agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership enrich individual corporations by design—at the expense of workers and national economies

The Path to an African Economic Boom

Article | Feb 2, 2018

The African Development Bank has laid out a plan for economic prosperity in the continent. But to get there, African countries must first confront jobless growth and underfunded infrastructure projects.

Why Big Firms No Longer Pay (Much) More

Article | Jan 28, 2018

The corporate titans of yore once offered a sizable wage premium over smaller employers—but not anymore. What happened?

Surprise: The 1% Is Overrepresented in the Ivy League

Article | Aug 11, 2017

New research shows that access to elite colleges varies by parents’ income—reinforcing inequality across generations 

Featuring this expert