Antonella Palumbo

Antonella Palumbo is associate professor of economics at Roma Tre University. She received her Ph.D. in economics from Sapienza University in Rome. She has published many articles in journals and chapters in books and co-authored the 3-volume Sraffa and the Reconstruction of Economic Theory (Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). She has been visiting professor at Korea University, Seoul; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City; and Azim Premji University and the University of Hyderabad in India.

By this expert

Wage Stagnation and Productivity: Challenging the Conventional Analysis

Article | Jul 7, 2022

Stagnating real wages may have contributed to the slowdown of US productivity

Permanent Scars: The Effects of Wages on Productivity

Paper Working Paper | | Jul 2022

A persistent regime of low wages may determine very negative long-term consequences on the economy.

Slack in the Economy, Not Inflation, Should Be Bigger Worry

Article | May 19, 2021

Despite fear-mongering about the latest Consumer Price Index, unemployment remains elevated and stimulus is needed to prevent a collapse in demand

The Updated Okun Method for Estimation of Potential Output with Broad Measures of Labor Underutilization: An Empirical Analysis

Paper Working Paper Series | | May 2021

Despite fear-mongering about the latest Consumer Price Index, unemployment remains elevated and stimulus is needed to prevent a collapse in demand

Featuring this expert

Experts on Trial: Introduction

Article | Mar 3, 2017

Widespread criticism of elites and their ‘experts ’ raises questions about how economists should perceive their role, and what role societies should give them. We invited four scholars to start an online conversation by sharing their perspectives