C.P. Chandrasekhar

C. P. Chandrasekhar was formerly Professor at the Centre for Economic Studies & Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. His areas of interest include the role of finance and industry in development. He has published widely and among his recent publications are two books titled Demonetisation Decoded: A Critique of India’s Currency Experiment (Routledge) and Karl Marx’s Capital and the Present: Four Essays (Tulika Books). He is a regular columnist for Frontline (Economic Perspectives), Business Line (Macroscan) and the Economic and Political Weekly (H. T. Parekh Finance Column).

By this expert

How China Is Offering an Alternative to the IMF

Article | Apr 15, 2021

The People’s Bank of China’s network of local currency swap arrangements provide Asian countries with a much-needed safety net, while also strengthening China’s diplomatic position.

The Long Search for Stability: Financial Cooperation to Address Global Risks in the East Asian Region

Paper Working Paper Series | | Apr 2021

The People’s Bank of China’s network of local currency swap arrangements provide Asian countries with a much-needed safety net, while also strengthening China’s diplomatic position