Joshua Weitz

Joshua Weitz is a research associate at the Academic-Industry Research Network

By this expert

African Americans in Tech: What the EEO-1 Numbers Reveal

Article | Feb 22, 2022

EEO-1 employment data document the vast over-representation of Asian Americans and vast under-representation of African Americans at tech companies in recent years. How did this happen?

Equality Denied: Tech and African Americans

Paper Working paper | | Feb 2022

EEO-1 employment data document the vast over-representation of Asian Americans and vast under-representation of African Americans at tech companies in recent years. How did this happen?

The Unmaking of the Black Blue-Collar Middle Class

Paper Working Paper | | May 2021

How once-promising Black upward mobility reversed course, and what can be done about it

"Build Back Better" Needs an Agenda for Upward Mobility

Article | Jan 5, 2021

How the dream of a middle class existence collapsed, first for Blacks, then for more and more white American workers and what the Biden administration could do to retrieve the situation.