Vladimiro Giacché

Vladimiro Giacché is Chairman of Centro Europa Ricerche S.r.l., member of the Board of Directors of Banca Profilo S.p.A. and Head of the Internal Audit Unit of Arepo BP S.p.A..

He studied in Pisa (Italy) and Bochum (Federal Republic of Germany) as a scholar of the Scuola Normale Superiore (laurea, diploma and Ph.D. cum laude).

He published several books and essays on economic and philosophical matters. His last books: “La fabbrica del falso. Strategie della menzogna nella politica contemporanea” (2008, 20163), “Titanic Europa. La crisi che non ci hanno raccontato” (2012; German ed. 2013), “Anschluss. L’annessione. L’unificazione della Germania e il futuro dell’Europa” (2013; German ed. 2014; French ed. 2015), “Costituzione italiana contro trattati europei. Il conflitto inevitabile” (2015). Many of his papers have been published in collections and on Italian and foreign journals.

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