Ariel Luis Wirkierman

Dr. Ariel Luis Wirkierman holds a Licentiate in Economics (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina), MSc. in Economics (National University of La Plata, Argentina) and PhD in Economics (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy).

Before joining the IMS he was a Research Fellow in Economics, Innovation and Growth at the Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU, University of Sussex) working on the European Commission Horizon 2020 ISIGrowth project. Within this project, he formulated and applied simulation models to analyse the role of the public sector in processes of technological competition. Previously, as a post-doc researcher at the Department of Mathematical Sciences, Mathematical Finance and Econometrics (Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy), he designed and implemented algorithms and metrics to study Input-Output networks. Throughout his PhD he worked under the guidance of Professor Luigi L. Pasinetti, developing a framework to analyse technical progress rooted in Classical political economy and the Cambridge Keynesian tradition. Before his doctoral studies he was as an economic officer at the Ministry of Economy and Production of Argentina, focusing on Regional Input-Output Analysis.

His research focuses on the historical roots, theory advancement and applied analysis of structural interdependence within processes of economic and social change. Dimensions of this research include:

(i) the ways in which structural proportions (between industries, institutional sectors and countries) influence (through direct linkages or feedback loops), disturb (generating fluctuations) and/or constrain (through macroeconomic conditions) these processes;

(ii) the technological impulses and social implications related to changes in the sectoral structure of economies;

(iii) the debates in the history of economic thought (ranging from the circular/linear description of production techniques to the multisectoral foundations of the principle of effective demand to economic cybernetics) in which circularity and interdependence play a key role;

(iv) the design and implementation of empirical schemes to study global interdependencies at different levels of aggregation.

By this expert

Global Value Chains and Income Distribution Profiles: A World Survey

Article | Feb 6, 2023

How can we quantify the wage share implied by varying degrees and types of participation to Global Value Chains?

Distributive Profiles Associated with Domestic Versus International Specialization in Global Value Chains

Paper Working Paper | | Feb 2023

If primary commodities and mid-to-high-tech manufacturing products are produced by industries with different wage shares, there are distributive implications of deepening trade integration with certain regions with respect to others.

The Value of Political Connections in Fascist Italy

Paper Conference paper | | Oct 2017

Stock Market Returns and Corporate Networks 

The Value of Political Connections in Fascist Italy — Stock Market Returns and Corporate Networks

Paper Conference paper | | Apr 2015

Recent years have witnessed the flourishing of a body of economic literature concerned with the search for empirical evidence of a positive relation between political connections, economic rent and the value of firms. The present paper contributes to the strand of this literature that deals with the quantitative measurement of the value of the political connections of firms.

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