Morten Tabor

Morten Nyboe Tabor is a Research Associate at the INET Center for Imperfect Knowledge Economics at the University of Copenhagen. His primary research interest is how to use the ‘Copenhagen Cointegrated VAR’ approach, and extensions thereof, to test the empirical implications of Imperfect Knowledge Economics (IKE).

During his PhD studies under the guidance of Prof. Søren Johansen and Prof. Katarina Juselius, University of Copenhagen, he worked on various aspects on econometric modeling of macroeconomic and financial time series. He has taught many econometric courses, including the summer school on the theory and applications of the Cointegrated VAR model.

As a visiting student at New York University in 2009-2010, Morten was introduced to the IKE theory by Professor Roman Frydman, chair of the INET Program on Imperfect Knowledge Economics. He is now part of the INET research program and the center at the University of Copenhagen.

By this expert

The Qualitative Expectations Hypothesis

Paper Working Paper Series | | Jun 2017

Model Ambiguity, Consistent Representations of Market Forecasts, and Sentiment

The Econometrics of Imperfect Knowledge Economics

Paper Conference paper | | Apr 2013

A core premise of contemporary economic models is that researchers can adequately specify in probabilistic terms how individuals alter the way they make decisions and how the processes underpinning market outcomes unfold over time.

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