Morten Tabor

Morten Nyboe Tabor is a Research Associate at the INET Center for Imperfect Knowledge Economics at the University of Copenhagen. His primary research interest is how to use the ‘Copenhagen Cointegrated VAR’ approach, and extensions thereof, to test the empirical implications of Imperfect Knowledge Economics (IKE).

During his PhD studies under the guidance of Prof. Søren Johansen and Prof. Katarina Juselius, University of Copenhagen, he worked on various aspects on econometric modeling of macroeconomic and financial time series. He has taught many econometric courses, including the summer school on the theory and applications of the Cointegrated VAR model.

As a visiting student at New York University in 2009-2010, Morten was introduced to the IKE theory by Professor Roman Frydman, chair of the INET Program on Imperfect Knowledge Economics. He is now part of the INET research program and the center at the University of Copenhagen.

By this expert

Muth’s Hypothesis Under Knightian Uncertainty

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A Novel Account of Inflation Forecasts

Asset Prices Under Knightian Uncertainty

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A tractable formalization of the Knightian uncertainty faced by an economist and market participants in an intertemporal asset-price model.

Rethinking the Role of the Representativeness Heuristic in Macroeconomics and Finance Theory

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Even if psychological factors influence participants’ decision-making, as behavioral economists compellingly argue, incorporating such factors into economic theory would seem to require that market participants adhere to elementary logical rules.

The Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis: Unforeseeable Change and Muth’s Consistency Constraint in Modeling Aggregate Outcomes

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This paper introduces the Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis (KUH), a new approach to macroeconomics and finance theory.

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Why We Need the Knightian Uncertainty Hypothesis

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INET Announces Program on Knightian Uncertainity Economics

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Rethinking the role of markets and government policy in light of our inherently limited ability to foresee economic and social outcomes

Knightian Uncertainty Economics (KUE)

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Rethinking the role of markets and government policy in light of our inherently limited ability to foresee economic and social outcomes


From the Origins of Economic Ideas to the Challenges of Our Time

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INET gathered hundreds of new economic thinkers in Edinburgh to discuss the past, present, and future of the economics profession.