Oscar Landerretche

Oscar Landerretche is the Director of the School of Economics and Business of the University of Chile where he teaches Macro, Labour and Political Economy. He was the founding director of the Masters in Public Policy programme of the University of Chile, Executive Secretary for the Programme of President Bachelet during the 2006 primaries, Executive Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council on Labour and Equality during 2008-9, and Chief Economist of President Frei’s 2010 presidential bid. He is the founder of the TEJOS Young Socialist Economist Workshop and the INFOCAP Union Leadership School. He has also worked extensively as macro-financial and political consultant to Wall Street financial intermediaries and to the Chilean Ministry of Finance. His undergraduate studies where at the University of Chile and he also holds a PhD in economics from MIT.

By this expert

Narrative in Teaching Economics

Paper Conference paper | | Apr 2014

Economics has advanced an enormous distance from the Walrasian paradigm and the Neoclassical synthesis. However, undergraduate curriculums continue to heavily favour these views of what economics is and what tools it provides for understanding contemporarypublic problems.