Paul Davidson

Paul Davidson is Editor of the Journal of Post Keynesian Economics. He is the Holly Chair of Excellence Emeritus Professor in Economics university of Tennessee. He previously taught at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Medical School, Rutgers University and, Bristol University (UK), and was a visiting professor at the University of Nice, the University of Strasbourg, and Visiting Scholar at Cambridge University (UK). He was also the Assistant Director of the Economic Division of the Continental Oil Company. He has testified before 20 congressional committees over the years on various economic questions.

He has authored, co-authored or edited 22 book s and over 220 professional articles published in over 30 professional journals including the American Economic Review, the Economic Journal, Journal of Economic Perspectives, Econometrics, Econometrics, Review of Economics and Statistics, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, Journal of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Literature, Public Interest, World Development, Natural Resource Journal, Economic Inquiry, Oxford Economic Paper, Cambridge Journal of Economics.

He is listed in Who’s Who in Economics, Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in the East, Who’s Who in Finance and Business, Who’s Who in American Education, American Economists of the Late Twentieth Century, Dictionary of International Biography, Who’s Who in the South and Southwest, Men of Achievement, Contemporary Authors.

He received a B.S. from Brooklyn College, An MBA from City of University, a Ph. D. From the University of Pennsylvania.

By this expert

Full Employment, Open Economy Macroeconomics, and Keynes’ General Theory: Does the Swan Diagram Suffice?

Paper Working Paper Series | | Feb 2016

This paper provides critical comments on the Peter Temin - David Vines promotion of the basic Swan Diagram as (1) a policy tool to encourage any individual debtor nation experiencing balance of payment deficits to reduce its exchange rate in order to expand exports and reduce imports and (2) the Swan Diagram as a simple model for understanding Keynes’s General Theory for an Open Economy.

A Response to John Kay's Essay on the State of Economics

Article | Oct 5, 2011

The financial crisis of 2007-2009 should have been sufficient empirical evidence to indicate that the axiomatic basis of the mainstream theory needs to be replaced.

The Keynes Plan, The Marshall Plan And The IMCU Plan; Designing the Future International Payments System using the Past Principles of Keynes's Liquidity Theory and Soros's Reflexivity

Paper Conference paper | | Apr 2011

For more than three decades, orthodox economists, policy makers in government and central bankers and their economic advisors, using some variant of old classical economic theory [OCET], have insisted that (1) government regulations of markets and large government spending policies are the cause of all our economic problems and (2) ending big government and freeing markets, especially financial markets, from government regulatory controls is the solutionto our economic problems, domestically and internationally.

Featuring this expert

Who’s Afraid of John Maynard Keynes?

Article | Aug 30, 2019

An except from Galbraith’s review of Paul Davidson’s Who’s Afraid of John Maynard Keynes? Challenging Economic Governance in an Age of Growing Inequality