Steffen Murau

Steffen Murau is a postdoctoral fellow at the Global Development Policy (GDP) Center of Boston University, a senior researcher at the Global Climate Forum (GCF) in Berlin, and a research fellow in the Monetary and Economic Department at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel. His research interests include monetary theory, the international monetary system, and the European Monetary Union. Among others, he has published in the Review of International Political Economy, the Journal of Common Market Studies, the Journal of Institutional Economic, New Political Economy, and Finance & Society.

By this expert

Special Drawing Rights and Elasticity in the International Monetary System

Article | Mar 15, 2022

How could the new SDR allocation help developing countries?

After the Allocation: What Role for the Special Drawing Rights System?

Paper Working Paper Series | | Mar 2022

How could the new SDR allocation help developing countries?